From monolithic architecture to microservices

Embrace microservices and platform services to deploy iText Software efficiently

Microservices Architecture, Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services are popular approaches in IT. iText is embracing these trends and we’re helping our customers to use them to deploy our software efficiently.

iText’s PDF software has long been an essential part of many document management workflows. PDF is the dominant digital document format due to its flexibility, portability, and openness, and has seen widespread adoption across diverse domains. The iText PDF library enables the generation and manipulation of PDF documents on the back-end. So even if you’ve not personally used our software, you’ve almost certainly experienced iText-generated PDFs, such as bank statements or airline boarding passes.

For years, developers have been using a monolithic architecture for their applications: they would deploy an application on a single server, on-premise or in the cloud. Of course, for scalability reasons, a single server could become multiple servers with a load balancer in front of it. However, fundamentally the idea is still the same: an application is deployed as a single, indivisible unit.


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