iText 5 XML Worker
iText’s XML Worker, which is built on top of iText Core's foundation, can convert XHTML content to PDF and can also process other file types to HTML as an intermediary step.
Why use XML Worker?
HTML is by far the most widely used format on the web. If you are among the many companies that want to archive HTML content in a more secure way, converting to PDF is in ideal solution.
User friendly
Consistent appearance on all devices.
Ability to add notes and feedback within the document.
Easy and time-saving document navigation.
Archive HTML content
HTML is by far the most widely used format on the web. Many companies have HTML content they want to archive sooner or later. For this, PDF is an ideal format.
Safe storage
Compliance with international standards.
Security, full content and author tracking.
Core capabilities of iText 5 XML Worker
Convert XHTML to PDF. Create simple reports using an easy language such as HTML (and some CSS). XML Worker won't resolve ASP pages, nor execute JavaScript. It only deals with finished XHTML.
Meeting standards
iText 5 XML Worker is compliant with international standards.
This add-on makes sure that your PDF files appear consistent across all devices and makes it possible to add notes and feedback while swiftly and securely navigating your documents.
Support and learning resources
Satisfied Customers

Upgrade to iText 7 Core and pdfHTML
Are you still using XML Worker with iText 5? Why not upgrade to iText Core and pdfHTML, it offers you superior performance, easier PDF generation and manipulation, PDF 2.0 suppport, and scalable PDF functionalities with the growing number of possible add-ons.