Release iText 7.1.10
iText 7.1.10 brings the first quarterly release of 2020 for the iText 7 family, and coincidentally it's on the day that iText, as a project, turns 20!
Although it's iText's birthday, we are giving away presents left and right, which include new releases of Core, pdf2Data, pdfCalligraph, pdfHTML, pdfSweep, pdfXFA and RUPS (oof, I really had to take a breather there. It's a lot of goodies!) Head on down to the Release Notes to get the details.
iText 7 Core – 7.1.10 (Java) | link | link | N/A | link |
iText 7 Core – 7.1.10 (.NET) | link | N/A | link | link |
pdf2Data – 2.1.6 (Java) | N/A | N/A | N/A | link |
pdf2Data – 2.1.6 (.NET) | N/A | N/A | link | link |
pdfCalligraph – 2.0.5 (Java) | N/A | link | N/A | link |
pdfCalligraph – 2.0.5 (.NET) | N/A | N/A | link | link |
pdfHTML – 2.1.7 (Java) | link | link | N/A | link |
pdfHTML – 2.1.7 (.NET) | link | N/A | link | link |
pdfSweep – 2.0.5 (Java) | link | link | N/A | link |
pdfSweep – 2.0.5 (.NET) | link | N/A | link | link |
pdfXFA – 2.0.5 (Java) | N/A | link | N/A | link |
pdfXFA – 2.0.5 (.NET) | N/A | N/A | link | link |
RUPS – 7.1.10 | link | link | N/A | link |
Lots of goodies going around! In no particular order:
- Core now has some improved memory usage, specifically if you are reading big PDF files (check out PdfReader#SetMemorySavingMode(true)), more robust PDF update mechanisms, a better PDF/A document experience, some dependency updates and <marker> support for SVG;
- pdf2Data has even better table boundary detection;
- pdfCalligraph has much improved Thai and Gujarati language scripts' support;
- pdfHTML now supports the lang attribute. This will help with the creation of PDF/UA compliant documents;
- pdfSweep had a bug which would remove /ColorSpace when redaction would partially affect an image;
- pdfXFA has much better dynamic page numbering handling.
Also, a couple of points mostly of interest for our commercial customers:
- It is now required that the License Key Volume library is loaded if you are a Volume customer;
- Proxy environment variables will be honored for Volume reporting;
- If your license expires during runtime, it will revert back to AGPL mode.
New Features
- [CORE] Allow individual page loading when reading
- [CORE] Implement scheduledCheck analog for iText Core
- [CORE] Update BouncyCastle dependency to 1.64
- [CORE] SVG: Feature: Markers, initial support
- [CORE] Document PdfReader#setMemorySavingMode
- [LICENSE] the name-case of some test folders differs in Java in .NET
- [SAMPLES] Improve CustomBorder3 sample, port CustomBorder4
- [SAMPLES] Update CounterDemo sample to not use deprecated API and be independent from the version
- [CORE] When filling unmerged fields iText doesn't distinguish field and widget dictionaries
- [CORE] Digital Signatures: annotation dictionary incorrectly updated when signing a pre-signed document
- [CORE] Leading spaces are trimmed in form field appearances
- [CORE] Adding a field to an existing acroform fails when using the PdfDocument append mode.
- [CORE] Opening, setting tagged and closing an already tagged pdf rewrites the parenttree dictionary
- [CORE] Problem with PDF/A end page event
- [PDFCALLIGRAPH] IndexOutOfBoundsException when processing Gujarati text in pdfCalligraph
- [PDFCALLIGRAPH] Wrong Toners position. TH SarabunPSK font
- [PDFCALLIGRAPH] Thai accent positioning bug
- [PDFSWEEP] removes /ColorSpace array
- [PDFXFA] absPageSpan / absPage functions are supported incorrectly - logical page number is returned instead of absolute one
- [PDFXFA] duplex pagination is not applied correctly - even pages are missing
- [CORE] Sharpen: fix documentation porting
- [CORE] Fix SignUtils class to handle the case when a certificate doesn't have unsupported critical extensions
- [CORE] svg: set default stroke width to 1 px value
- [CORE] Make sure that all iTextCore tests extend ExtendedITextTest
- [CORE] Reorganize samples-internal tests: FormFieldTest
- [CORE] Reorganize samples-internal tests: FormFieldFlatteningTest
- [CORE] xfdf: move xfdf message constants to XfdfException class
- [CORE] Add test category to some itextcore tests
- [CORE] Deprecate IdelOutputStream
- [CORE] Reorganize samples-internal tests: InlineImageExtractionTest
- [CORE] Avoid reading page dictionaries in ParentTreeHandler.registerMcr()
- [CORE] Optimize PdfPagesTree#loadPage()
- [CORE] Make PdfDocument#tryInitTagStructure protected
- [CORE] Improve documentation of PdfEncryption
- [CORE] Improve javadocs of CompareTool
- [CORE] Incorrect XRef type in compressed PDFs
- [CORE] Reorganize samples-internal tests: SmartModeTest
- [CORE] Resolve layout javadoc warnings
- [CORE] Reorganize samples-internal tests: FloatsComplexTest
- [CORE] Add test category to some internal-tests and license tests
- [LICENSE] Rework the ProducerInfoYearsTest.versionYearsTest in the LicenseKey tests
- [LICENSE] Add test category to licensekey-creation tests
- [LICENSE] Manually test edge-case scenarios of licensekey-volume library inability to access AWS server
- [CORE] Reorganize samples-internal tests: PartialCleanUpMultipleImageOccurrencesTest
- [CORE] Update pdftest module dependency on veraPDF
- [PDFXFA] Improve documentation for XFAFlattener
- [SAMPLES] Improve/Port stamper samples
- [SAMPLES] Incorrect absolute position of the header in the sample result
- [CORE] sharpen: Resolve minor mistype in
- [CORE] sharpen: Make sure that iText Javadoc Convention includes all the changes introduce
- [CORE] Add -Test postfix to some licensekey and signatures tests
- [CORE] Add tests for "overflow" attribute in svg
- [CORE] Update year to 2020 in the Copyright headers and project info in all repositories
- [CORE] Fix differences between C# and Java test results in ValidationOff012Test
- [CORE] Fix getNameTree method so that key order is platform-independent
- [CORE] Make BouncyCastle non-optional dependency of iText Core
- [LICENSE] Enforce that licensekey-volume dependency is loaded when volume license is used
- [LICENSE] Add fallback dependencies to itext.licensekey.sln (licensekey .NET repo)
- [LICENSE] Update dependencies on AWS SDK to allow users specify proxy settings for licensekey volume calls
- [LICENSE] Add fallback dependencies to itext.licensekey.volume.sln (licensekey-volume .NET repo)
- [PDFHTML] pdfHTML: convert "lang" attribute into Lang accessibility property for tagged PDF
- [CORE] Default logger listeners are reset once LogListener's resetLoggingContext is called
- [CORE] Update logback dependencies in Core and add-ons as the currently used 1.1.3 version has security vulnerabilities
- [SAMPLES] SamplesWrapperTest: change result output folder to bin folder