iText is a System Integrator time saver for digital document workflow implementations.

The surge of national digital identity programs form a perfect wave of new business opportunities for System Integrators to implement new document workflow implementations for customers. Exchanging documents and forms on paper are becoming obsolete in situations like these. Ranging from digital agreements, quotes, invoices, applications, bookings, personal records, reports, etc. iText can make digital document workflow implementations more secure and convenient.

iText 7 is an open source SDK that lets users create PDF files in a more versatile way than with any off-the-shelf PDF creator, and provides APIs for developers to fine-tune the way they want to create, edit or manipulate PDFs according to different ISO standards or compliance regulations. It also enables them to embed its functionalities within their own software, allowing for digital transformation of your workflow.

LP_ANZ_Document workflow

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How can you benefit from the iText 7 Suite?

iText 7 is capable of mass generation of PDF documents and offers many other features, such as splitting and merging documents, text extraction and redactionrendering PDFs as images, converting HTML pages and templates to PDF and much more. We also offer solutions for PDF data extraction and low-code template design/PDF generation.

Ask iText any question related to the following and much more:

  • to program PDF documents in Java or .NET (C#), and secure, password protect, digitally sign, merge, split... - iText 7 Core

  • to convert your scanned documents, PDFs and images into fully ISO-compliant PDF or PDF/A-3u files making it possible to access and process the text they contain. built upon the open-source Tesseract OCR Engine. - pdfOCR

  • to remove (redact) information from a PDF document in a reliable and secure way. - pdfSweep

  • to unlock advanced typographic features in PDF, and expand your document workflow with global languages and writing system. - pdfCalligraph
  • to generate images from PDFs. - pdfRender
  • to flatten XFA forms to static PDF and add a digital signature as additional security for further processing in PDF workflows or for archiving. - pdfXFA
  • to easily convert HTML and CSS into standards compliant PDFs that are accessible, searchable and usable for indexing. - pdfHTML
  • to easily extract data from PDF documents. - pdf2Data



Apart from the above mentioned iText 7 Suite, iText has a low code offering as well!

  • iText DITO®: low-code document generator that simplifies the process of creating and maintaining data-driven forms and templates, with a visual template designer and a powerful back-end for processing.

Why use iText 7?

iText 7 is a straightforward, performant and extensible library that is ready to handle the challenges of today's digital document workflows. With iText 7, you don't have to worry about PDF standards, you can just focus on your business needs and document content.

Why use iText DITO®?

It's a low-code document generator that simplifies the process of creating and maintaining data-driven forms and templates, with a visual template designer and a powerful back-end for processing.

Technical documentation

In our rich and up-to-date Knowledge Base, you can find our libraries, plus our installation guides, examples and any other technical documentation you might need when working with our technology.

Do you want to contribute?

We are always looking for developers to share their experiences with iText. Feel free to drop us an email ( Pull requests are also always welcome!