Discover how iText implemented continuous support for GraalVM Native Image compilation in iText Core, as detailed by Software Engineer Vitali Prudnikovich. This article is part of our new 'Technical Tales' series, offering insights, tips, and deep dives from iText developers.
On 14th February 2000 the first public version of the iText PDF library was released to the open-source community. A quarter of a century later, Apryse is proudly celebrating with the release of iText Suite 9.1 on iText’s 25th anniversary, which is also Valentine’s Day! This release brings significantly expanded SVG and CSS support, huge performance increases, GraalVM for pdfHTML, and a whole lot of love!
With the onset of e-invoicing legislation coming into effect across Europe, there is renewed interest in the ZUGFeRD/Factur-X hybrid invoice standard. This article examines how the standard has evolved, and how you can use the dual-licensed iText Core library to easily create ZUGFeRD-compatible files.
iText Suite version 9.0 introduces a brand-new major version of the iText Core library, and updated Core add-ons. We've finalized the dedicated PDF digital signature validation module, and added support for the ISO/TS 32003 and 32004 standards. Not only that, but we also have new and improved APIs and much, much more.
The brand-new PDF/UA-2 ISO standard was published just a few months ago, and of course the creation of PDF/UA-2 documents is already supported by iText Core. In this article we look at the history of PDF accessibility, and what changes are in the new standard.
iText Suite version 8.0.5 introduces a new module for PDF digital signature validation, and we now support the CSS Grid module for enhanced PDF templating. There's also improvements for handling broken documents and a nice addition for secure redaction with pdfSweep.
PDF generation from HTML templates is a common iText use case and is especially useful for the creation of documents which must conform to the PDF/A and PDF/UA standards for archiving and accessibility. This article compares how you would create PDF/A documents with iText 5, and the improved methods available in iText version 8 with the pdfHTML add-on.
iText Suite version 8.0.4 introduces GraalVM Native Image support for iText Core, plus improved PDF/UA creation checks and assistance. There's also some nice enhancements to digital signature validation, and more!
The release of iText Suite version 8.0.3 features a new high-level API for PAdES Signing and many other improvements for PDF digital signatures, including simplified asynchronous signing and improved certificate chain logic. Plus, improved PDF/A and PDF/UA creation, OCR table recognition, and more besides!
Discover the latest features of pdf2Data 4.4. Experience a simplified user interface that democratizes data extraction, making it accessible for everyone. Learn how pdf2Data 4.4 can transform your data extraction process.
This 8.0.2 release of iText Suite includes a ton of neat stuff, with Core support for PDF/A-4 creation, improved digital signing, and simple yet customizable annotation flattening. There's also updates to pdfHTML's advanced multicolumn support and flex containers, better font selection, and much more!
Though it was superseded in 2016 by iText 7, iText 5 is still an extremely popular PDF library. While its ease of use and features are still competitive, this article looks at its high-level text and content capabilities to compare them against the revised API in iText 7 and 8. You'll learn why iText 8 is a far superior option, especially for new implementations.
Hot on the heels of release 8.0, here's iText Suite version 8.0.1 with algorithm agnostic digital signing and validation, multi-column layout, extended CSS flex property support, and an optimization for form field regeneration handling.