IBA Silver Stevie: Most Innovative Tech Company of 2020

We've done it again!
iText is proud to be honored with a fourth Silver Stevie in the International Business Awards with our submission "Developing and innovating in PDF for 20 years".
The International Business Awards (also known as "Stevie's") include a number of different awards. This year we were one of more than 3,800 nominees from 63 nations in organizations large and small across various industries vying for a top billing in one of the categories such as Company of the Year, Best New Product of the Year, Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year and more.
This is an exciting win for us, since we have focused on innovation in multiple areas of our business, including:
Our dual licensing structure, which makes iText available as both open source under AGPL, and also with commercial licensing options
Expanding our offerings with add-ons to provide functionality that customers need.
Offering outstanding documentation, and continuing to bring more content to our users
Continually working on new products and technologies to expand PDF capabilities - including the iText Developers Platform, where you can create iText 7 add-ons for commercial release
Being an active member of the ISO committees that create new PDF standards
Celebrating our 20 years of code in 2020, with our open source library
And much more...
2019 was a particularly exciting year for iText. For one thing, we launched iText DITO which focused on a new target audience such as Solution Architects, IT Managers and other less technical users, iText DITO combines a “What you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) visual designer with the power of iText to create standards-compliant, beautiful documents, while saving you tons of development time. One of our customers, New Ocean Health Solutions found that “with iText DITO, I can now do in just 45 minutes what would have taken over two weeks to do in code using other PDF libraries!”.
As for iText 7, we ended the year with the release of iText 7.1.9 Suite, which brought updated versions of the pdfHTML, pdfXFA and pdf2Data add-ons. We also developed a new and improved layout for our API pages, which included the addition of some highly-anticipated .NET API documentation.
In April 2019, we reached the milestone of support ticket #4096 on our commercial support Jira board. We also launched a Chatbot on our website, offering dedicated sales support for our visitors.
And in one of our 2019 case studies; CommonApp reported that iText helped “speed up our processes up to 500%”.
As for 2020, it has been another exciting year for iText, with the release of two new iText 7 add-ons. pdfRender for fast, accurate rendering of PDFs as images, and pdfOCR for recognizing and extracting text from scanned documents.
We also celebrated 20 years of code with the release of iText 7 Suite 7.1.10 marking the 20th anniversary of the very first release of iText, back in February 2000. We've continued innovating too, with iText DITO release 1.4 adding great new features, including a barcode generation wizard and other new template design features.
Our online Demo Lab is a standout amongst our competitors, with embedded compiler sandboxes allowing developers to test our code without downloading iText 7. In addition, we also launched our Knowledge Base in June 2020 which allows developers to find technical information, and for customers to get support, all in a single location. We still want to maintain our company roots as an open source company, helping developers continue to improve the PDF space.
Fingers crossed for the 2021 awards...