Digital Signatures for PDF Documents

This eBook will explain everything you need to get started with digital signatures for documents. Within a FEW MINUTES, you will soon receive an email with download instructions for this eBook. If you do not see in your inbox, please check your "junk mail" folder or "spam" folder. We make every effort to ensure that these emails are delivered.
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Table of contents

  1. Understanding the concept of digital signatures
  2. PDF and digital signatures
  3. Certificate Authorities, certificate revocation and time stamping
  4. Creating signatures externally
  5. Validation of signed documents

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In the meantime, you can already get started with our online code examples:

Updated code examples for iText Core version 7 and later

NOTE: The following Digital Signatures eBook was originally written for iText 5/iTextSharp and although many of the described concepts and operations are still relevant and transferable to iText 7 and later, the included code examples are outdated.

However, we have updated the digital signature examples to apply to the latest releases of iText Core. Both Java and .NET (C#) examples can be found in the following addendum to the Digital Signatures eBook.

Go to addendum

If you're looking for iText 5 code examples, they can be found here.

What digital signatures and PDF have in common?

Get a complete overview of PDF features, industry standards and technology options with regards to digital signature, as well as in-depth best practices, real-life examples and code samples for PDF development. 


This eBook will explain you everything you need to get started with digital signatures for documents:

  • Making the right technology decisions, 
  • Implementing a future-proof PDF solution, and
  • much more.


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