Image iText Suite 9.1: Celebrating 25 Years of iText with Expanded SVG and CSS, Faster Tables, and More! On 14th February 2000 the first public version of the iText PDF library was released to the open-source community. A quarter of a century later, Apryse is proudly celebrating with the release of iText Suite 9.1 on iText’s 25th anniversary, which is also Valentine’s Day! This release brings significantly expanded SVG and CSS support, huge performance increases, GraalVM for pdfHTML, and a whole lot of love! Read more
Image Creating ZUGFeRD/Factur-X Invoices with iText With the onset of e-invoicing legislation coming into effect across Europe, there is renewed interest in the ZUGFeRD/Factur-X hybrid invoice standard. This article examines how the standard has evolved, and how you can use the dual-licensed iText Core library to easily create ZUGFeRD-compatible files. Read more
Image Making PDF/A Document Creation Easier with iText and pdfHTML PDF generation from HTML templates is a common iText use case and is especially useful for the creation of documents which must conform to the PDF/A and PDF/UA standards for archiving and accessibility. This article compares how you would create PDF/A documents with iText 5, and the improved methods available in iText version 8 with the pdfHTML add-on. Read more
Image PDF portfolios and how to use them Some tips and use cases for using PDF portfolios to package many different files in a single PDF Read more
Image With our 30-day free trial, you can test the iText programmable PDF library and discover how it fits your needs. Get started
Image We're hiring! Are you looking for an interesting job opportunity? Discover all current open job opportunities. Read more
File Learn how the mateco Group is using iText DITO as part of a revolutionary new streaming architecture to efficiently update and m